
Photo by Alexas Fotos on

‘Tis the season where it seems as though everyone is recapping the highs of 2023, or reflecting on all their accomplishments.

Personally, I’ve been reflecting on Robert’s school journey since September 2023. We started the school year with hearts full of hope and optimism, riding the wave of a fantastic previous year where a dedicated team worked tirelessly to let Robert’s light shine. We believed we were on the right track with the school team and looked forward to the year ahead.

Unfortunately, things at school didn’t turn out the way we’d hoped. In the face of unexpected challenges, we found ourselves changing schools and, in a bold move, filing an official discrimination complaint against the previous school. It was a tough decision, but one that felt necessary to stand up for Robert’s rights.

Since we made the switch, I’ve been reflecting on what these past 2 months have looked like for Robert, and comparing the approaches of each school. The last school seemed fixated on getting Robert to fit a certain mold, to conform, and this language was evident in his IEP. The new school, on the other hand, is all about discovering and understanding who Robert is as a person, and how they can best support him.

Robert making snow angels at recess (December 2023)

For instance, just before school was out for the holidays, we had a snowy few days. For some strange reason, Robert refused to put on his snowpants and go outside to play for recess. Instead of arguing with him, and pushing everyone to frustration, the new school team allowed Robert to spend recess indoors. After 3 indoor recesses, Robert put on his snow gear and headed out to play. He’s been going out every recess since!

In these moments, I’m reminded that a supportive environment can make all the difference. It’s about embracing who Robert is and working with him, not against him. Cheers to the rest of this school year. We are filled with gratitude for the new school’s approach and care. May the rest of the year bring deeper understanding, significant growth, and, above all, the pure joy of witnessing Robert flourish in his own remarkable way…


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