C’est la rentrée!

Photo by Katerina Holmes on Pexels.com

Bye Summer, it’s been a slice! Welcome back, back-to-school season!

Last year, I shared a story about how, only weeks after school started, I watched with a heavy heart as Robert struggled to find his place among his peers. It still brings tears to my eyes to think about that interaction I witnessed.

Naturally, I was apprehensive about how this school year would begin. Uncertain about who would be in Robert’s class and how the social dynamics that would unfold. With week 1 in the rearview mirror, I think I can confidently say the school year is off to a great start. Robert has two good friends in his class, he’s eating what I send in his lunch (or at least, he’s not bringing it home…ha!), and he even tackled his take-home reading assignment with me last night!

While I am optimistic about the school year (and relishing the routine it’s brought back to our weeknights), I can’t help but feel some apprehension as the IEP season rolls around.

For those who don’t know, an IEP (or, Individual Education Plan) is a written plan that outlines the strengths and needs of a student with a disability, and what accommodations and services provided by the school board.

I feel as though I’m finally starting to grasp what the IEP means for Robert and it’s impact on his classroom experience. Like many documents, it’s often best understood by those who work with them day in and day out. For me, it’s been a bit of a mystery trying to navigate it, perhaps made even more challenging these past years due to COVID.

While I have an idea of what Robert might need, my biggest hurdle is trying to know what I don’t know. That is to say, there is likely so much more an IEP can do for us than I even realize.

So, for those who have experience with IEPs for their children or those who work closely with these types of documents, I’m genuinely curious and eager to learn from you. What suggestions do you have for us? What questions should we ask? What should we insist on, inquire about, or be more flexible with? Your insights and guidance would be greatly appreciated as we navigate this journey.

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